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Window command 명령어.(cd, dir, mkdir...)

by SuperMemi 2020. 3. 28.

1. 기본적인 명령어 cd, dir, mkdir, ren



Command Prompt: 11 basic commands you should know (cd, dir, mkdir, etc.) | Digital Citizen

Command Prompt: 11 basic commands you should know (cd, dir, mkdir, etc.) Tutorial by Codrut Neagu published on 10/18/2018 Geeks and experts love the Command Prompt because of the advanced commands it can run. Fortunately, Command Prompt is not built only o


2. 단축키 사용하기.



27 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts For The Windows 10 Command Prompt | Digital Citizen

27 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts For The Windows 10 Command Prompt Tutorial by Codrut Neagu published on 09/22/2015 We bet that most of, if not all the power users and geeks out there love to use the Command Prompt. It's the one-stop go to whenever you want to


