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[ Pytorch ] nn.BCELoss, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss, nn.CrossEntropyLoss, nn.NLLLoss 총정리

by SuperMemi 2022. 8. 21.

[ Pytorch ] nn.BCELoss, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss, 

nn.CrossEntropyLoss, nn.NLLLoss 총정리




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[ Loss ] Cross-Entropy, Negative Log-Likelihood 내용 정리! ( + Pytorch Code )


[ Loss ] Cross-Entropy, Negative Log-Likelihood 내용 정리! ( + Pytorch Code )

[ Loss ] Cross-Entropy, Negative Log-Likelihood 내용 정리! ( + Pytorch Code ) [ Pytorch ] 파이토치 설치하기 [ Pytorch ] 파이토치 설치하기 머신러닝에서 tensorflow와 pytorch는 양대 산..


Binary Classification (nn.BCELoss, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss)



  • Binary Cross Entropy Loss 의 줄임말
  • BCELoss 내에서 따로 sigmoid 함수가 존재하지 않음
  • Input : ( sigmoid(f(x)), target )
  • target(float type), 모델의 예측과 동일한 shape 을 가져야함


  • nn.BCELoss 에 Sigmoid 함수가 포함된 형태
  • Input : ( f(x), target )
  • 나머진 nn.BCELoss 와 유사함
import torch
import torch.nn as nn


### Binary Setting ###

print(f"{'Setting up binary case':-^80}") 

z = torch.randn(5) # z = f(x)
y_hat = torch.sigmoid(z) # y_hat = sigmoid(f(x))
y = torch.tensor([0.,1.,1.,0.,1.]) # ground truth (float type)

print(f"z = {z}\ny_hat = {y_hat}\ny = {y}\n{'':-^80}")

# Negative Log-likelihoods
loss_NLL_scratch = -(y * y_hat.log() + (1 - y) * (1 - y_hat).log())
print(f"Negative Log-likelihoods\n    {loss_NLL_scratch}")

# BCELoss from PyTorch
loss_BCE = nn.BCELoss(reduction='none')(y_hat,y) # Input : y_hat, y
print(f"PyTorch BCELoss\n    {loss_BCE}")

# BCEWithLogitLoss from PyTorch
loss_BCEWithLogits = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='none')(z,y) # Input : z, y
print(f"PyTorch BCEWithLogitsLoss\n    {loss_BCEWithLogits}")



Multiclass Classification (nn.CrossEntropyLoss, nn.NLLLoss)



  • LogSoftmax가 포함되어 있음
  • Input : ( f(x), target )
  • 아래의 예시 방법 target(long type) : 각 element는 해당되는 class 를 정수로 가짐(0~C-1)
  • target 은 input 의 shape에 따라 다양한 형태가 가능


  • LogSoftmax가 포함되어 있지 않음
  • Input : ( LogSoftmax(f(x)), target )
  • 나머진 nn.CrossEntropyLoss 와 유사함
import torch
import torch.nn as nn


### Multi class Setting ###

print(f"{'Setting up multiclass case':-^80}") 

z = torch.randn(5,3) # z = f(x)
y_hat = torch.softmax(z, dim=1) # y_hat = softmax(f(x))

# ground truth : each element in target has to have 0 <= value < C
y = torch.tensor([0,1,0,2,1]) 

print(f"z = {z}\ny_hat = {y_hat}\ny = {y}\n{'':-^80}")

# Negative Log-likelihoods 
#     - masking the correct entries
loss_NLL_scratch = -y_hat.log()[torch.arange(5),y.long()] 
print(f"Negative Log-likelihoods\n    {loss_NLL_scratch}")

# CrossEntropyLoss from PyTorch
#     - It includes LogSoftmax
#     - Input : z, y
loss_CE = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')(z,y) 
print(f"PyTorch CrossEntropyLoss\n    {loss_CE}")

# NLLLoss from PyTorch
#     - It doesn't include LogSoftmax 
#     - Input : y_hat.log(), y
loss_NLL = nn.NLLLoss(reduction='none')(y_hat.log(),y)
print(f"PyTorch NLLLoss\n    {loss_NLL}")

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